Thursday, May 29, 2008

Final countdown

It's only 3 days what is left for me to stay in Hungary, and then I board the plane and fly away for 13 month to the Middle East.

Reading that (if it would not be my blog) I would say that the person must be scared, mindless running all around in the city, but at least he must feel some sort of uncertanity.
Well, it's not like this. Surprising or not, I'm quite chilled currently and living my nearly usual days. Though there are signs that I'm leaving really soon (like my mum screaming each morning :P, or that my desk in the office is becoming totally empty), but I do not feel like being scared. It is strange especially if I take that into consideration what I have written just a few months ago...I'm not afraid....I want to go there, I'm clear that it won't be easy (or will be really for from being easy), but this is why I'm going there, so why the hell should I bit scared about what I have chosen as my destiny?

I just read in a book (I got from my first EB, thanks!) that life is about making your dreams reality....and an other memory is coming up to my mind, that we had a slogan with my second EB: Are you dreaming your life, or living your dreams?! Well, I'm not a dreamer type of person (reaaaalllyyy not :)), so in my words it would sound like: do what you decided to do, what you want to do! And in the last few years it is becoming part of my body, my life...and of course my thinking.

So in 3 days time again I will do what I want to do: go to Jordan for a year and work there as MCVP ER & Finance (haha, back to the roots :)).

So, Jordan, I'm ready, I'm coming!


Oksana said...

And we are waiting for ya :P

Anonymous said...

Hey Friend,

I'm glad you like the book and hope to meet before you board.
But anyway, just enjoy your Journey and keep us updated!
And prepare for the next re-union next year ;)


Unknown said...

hey! You're leaving so soon...:( and we won't meet. But promise that at least next summer, after 2 years we'll meet personally! (if I find a good job than I'll visit you..;))
I hope you'll have fun in Jordan, i wish the best for u and take care!! I'll read your blog, I promise.

Maryann said...

hey.. take 2 things at least:
take care
take sun milk (naptej:P)

and... have the greatest journey ever!

Anonymous said...

Szaki :)

Good luck and take care :)

Take out as much as it is possible during this 13 months!!!!

Looking forward to hearing from you...