Wednesday, February 13, 2008

The start up

It's been a tough decision...Do I really want to take on the challenge to go for an MC term somewhere around the world, or what the hell to do with my life.

Well, the decision has been made, I have applied and I'm selected for the MC team of AIESEC in Jordan and so I created this space to capture this challenge and my memories.

I don't know if this space will be about the deep thoughts stuff or just wirting down what is going on out there with me, how I'm preparing, etc. But for sure I will need to get used to refresh and not to forget this blog, as I usually do:) (otherwise my mum would kill me because of not giving information and a sign of living:P)

Even the preparation has started...I started to read the Coran (I hope I spell it well). Just to get to know a bit about the arabic culture and the muslim help me to adapt faster (which definitelly will be the biggest challenge ever I have faced). We will see...and yeah this time uncertanity seems to be fun (I need to practice it:P).

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