Friday, April 4, 2008

I have my flight ticket!!!

Wow, it's been a long time since I have posted anything here. But something has happened worth mentioning!!!

I have finally my flight ticket! I'm travelling on the 1st of June to Jordan! And it is just interesting to see that it's only 2 months ahead. And again the strange mixture of feelings like excitement, being scared, curiosity, etc is coming up in my mind. It was also weird to see my mum fighting with her emotions...whether to be happy or disappointed that her son is going away probably for more than a year.

Another interesting moment from the past few weeks has happened at TEACH (AIESEC induction conference in Hungary). There was a session (I would rather call it a discussion) when we were split to groups and some people talked about their Exchange or Leadership experience. I was one of these people and it was a weird feeling. Being 22 and already talking about a lot of things I have lived through but many people could not experience. I'm not meaning that I have the same level of experience as a 50 years old CEO would have, but it is definitelly something interesting to feel that I have something behind me which is worth talking about and what is worth remembering and reflecting upon. I don't know if I could describe the feeling (or if it is possible to do that), but at least I tried:)

And i guess my posts are soon becoming more frequent as the date of departure is approaching and many things start to happen...
ok, it's time to get back to work:)

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