Saturday, September 20, 2008

September - the bit boring side of Ramadan

Written on the 19th of September

It's been a while since I internet totally died at home and besides this I was somehow always forgeting that I can always write offline and then when I can go online I just need two minutes...but things are changing and in the weekend a slowed down lifestyle kind of help you realise these small things.

After the bit sidetracked introduction let's see what was happening during this week. Well, not much :P this is the first thing coming to my mind, but looking a bit deeper into memories I do find some interesting points. But this is also a pretty funny sign of getting used to things (also to Ramadan way of living). In itself it is something interesting to feel, just simply getting along in your normal life (what is now considered as normal).

One thing definitely worth to mention is Suhoor. It is the breakfast (meaning somewhere between 2-4:30 am :P) right before sunrise (the last point to eat and drink during the night).
Particularly 2 of these Suhoors (yeah, a usually story of waking up at 4 am, brainless to put something in your mouth). We went with a few guys to have Suhoor at Hashem. Hashem is a restaurant (actually 2, one of them in the downtown, and the new one closer to my place). Around a week ago we were just hanging our after Iftar (Dinner) and came the idea to have Suhoor together in Hashem, the downtown one. What you need to know about Hashem, that visiting (especially the one in downtown) is a cultural shock in itself. It is a very traditional restaurant, as far as I know the first restaurant in Amman....and it does look old and ruined :) It is taking a small street in downtown, Health inspectors from Europe would for sure totally freak out from having a look on it, but in reality the food is clean and is made in a clean way. And the food is just simply awesome. Not a big variety, as you can only get falafel with hummus or fool...and that is it :P But it does have the best taste in the city a special and cool one. But seeing around 100 people totally flooding even the street, full with table, engaged into conversation and totally alive in this very early hour. And it is just an atmosphere you can not really describe. You just simply need to feel it. And also it is different to be part of it when you are also fasting. It is just that feeling that you are not a tourist, you are as much the same as you can be (yeah, my skin and origin still will not and should not change). It is a remarkable experience. Something will be burned into my memories.

Besides this work is also going on...moving pretty ok, now that I have a bit of time not to be a simple accountant, but actually lead something. And this feeling is energizing me, coz I do feel I give direction and make things move, which is good. I don't really want to go into more details, not because it is not interesting, or not because I want to hide something, just simply it is a lot to tell and I don't think that daily work will be something to be remembered. I love doing my job, will stay like this (inshallah), but it should stay as my job :) (well another true sign of what next steps to be taken after this term).

For the next time I will try and figure out some interesting story, but that is also true that during Ramadan not many things are is becoming after a while boring, truly, might not be something nice to say, but it does become. I think people just get tired of fasting, it is draining you every day, make the whole month going veeery slow...and you just get stuck in the routine and wait the end of it, not because it is bad, but it is slow. And this is it, things will change, though I don't mind these things, it is 10 last days remaining, and it is not a counting back (well, honestly in a way it is). It is a good, or would say a great experience to have...just after a while boring.
But I'm pretty much looking forward to Eid, I'm just curious how things will change, because if I can manage everything while fasting how energized I will be with being back to the normal routine, so I just want the new things to come, I'm actually looking for changes, for the adventure :)

Oh, and I'm also going to Germany, to Karlsruhe to chair a conference, which I consider as a great honor to be invited as a chair for any kind of conference! it is something totally excited and also my team is very excited because of this, they want me to go as a Jordanian chair, not as a Hungarian, so they are already planning out my preparation, and I'm also building these kind of plans on what to do over there. So looking forward to it (though I don't know more details, than that I will be going in the end of October, beginning of november :P so will see what is going to happen :))

This is mostly all popping up to my mind. It became a bit random post, but whatsoever, if you fought through to this point then it means you found something in it (or just your simple peristance that by the end there must be something brought you till here :P )


Anonymous said...

Hey mate,

That "true sign of what next steps to be taken after this term" caught my attention. We should talk about it. I'm interested :P
Persist and have fun durint the rest of Ramadan!


Maryann said...

"It became a bit random post, but whatsoever, if you fought through to this point then it means you found something in it (or just your simple peristance that by the end there must be something brought you till here :P )"--or i am just interested in your adventures;)